1. To learn French
See app in Ukrainian in the attached flyer.
2. Financial Aid
3.1 From CROUS
Students enrolled at ESSEC may apply for need-based scholarships from CROUS if they benefit from the so-called "protection temporaire". These scholarships are distinct from the emergency scholarship.
3.2 From Erasmus Agency
Students enrolled at ESSEC may apply for an Erasmus scholarship that will come as an aid for their living expenses.
3. "Protection temporaire"
More details HERE on Protection temporaire.
See in attachments the Application for Protection temporaire, one in French, one in Ukrainian.
4. Various links
5. To obtain a French residence permit
Last update from March 15th 2022, please come back for further regular update. You can also go direcly to this page of Prefecture du Val d'Oise (in French).
Coming to France during the crisis:
- with a valid biometric Ukrainian passport
- with a valid non-biometric Ukrainian passport and a visa issued in one of Ukraine's border states.
Once in France, special measures have been taken by the French home ministry because of the war:
These measure apply to:
- Ukrainian citizens who left Ukraine from February 24th
- Ukrainian citizens who were in France before that date for a short stay
- Ukrainians who obtained the refugee status before the war
- Foreigners who lived in Ukraine before the war with a valid Ukrainian residence permit and who cannot go back to their home country
People in one of the above-mentioned situations will be delivered a 6-month French residence permit ("Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour"). It can be renewed.
This special residence permit gives access to the following rights:
- housing
- eligibility to asylum seeker subsidy subject to income level (Allocation pour Demandeur d'Asile)
- work permit (request must be made by the potential employer)
- affiliation to the French health insurance scheme with no waiting period and one-year supplemental health insurance coverage
- eligibility to housing subsidy
- access to school for minors
Applications must be made through a special counter at the Préfecture open between 8.30 am and 3 pm Monday through Friday. No appointment is requested.
No residence permit (APS) can be issued without a valid address in France.
The following documents will be mandatory:
- APS application form
- housing proof
- biometric passport
- non-biometric passport + visa
- 4 ID photos
- passport stamp indicating the arrival date in the Schengen area or any travel proof from Ukraine to France
Ukrainian citizens will be able to apply for asylum later through the OFII phone platform : 01 42 500 900
Ukrainian citizens who were in France before the war with a soon-to-expire residence permit can apply for the renewal of their residence permit through the Préfecture or sous-Préfecture in charge of their place of residence.
During this crisis, information can be provided by contacting the préfecture at [email protected]
This information is subject to change and can be updated at any time.